Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Post 5

Motivation Love To God

Loving God perfectly is the dream of every slave, man as the weak always inattentive and never escape the blunder and wrong. This point makes humans to always come back to God, seemed to live piled sin. In essence, human beings in this life will never achieve perfection, nothing is sacred above the world in this life, certainly disgraced the human form of sin. Then this man must return to the line that became God's merciful provision.

Man is the figure that is filled with lust and daydream about the materiality and mundane, can not dibohong this nature has become nature that have proliferated in human beings, human once did when human beings tend to worldly sheer, this is because they only think that life is once, so they tried to satisfy the lease of life it once was. Yet human life not once, but twice, that at this present moment, the life of the world and life will take place tomorrow are raised diyaumul mahsyar later and today it is the truth of life. Indeed, only a few are smart not to think about the mundane alone, we are suggested to improve the quality of our lives in the world, by working hard to prosper in life and achieve success and happiness, not only there, the man was also in demand to elevate the quality of provision akhiratnya , with taqwa and deeds are in love of God.

Each person will not be engaged in doing the whole hog without a reason. And the reason for this is the biggest motivator in human beings, the achievement of which will be achieved is a chimera that has a reason behind it. We must be careful in addressing the reason, since reason is the compass toward the final goal. In the grounds there is energy that is so powerful and effective way to make someone suitable keinginanannya. Because of the power of reason is very influential on the performance and achievements, then wake up the reasons that have a good foundation, essential, comprehensive, top dankarena noble love of Allah SWT.

If wealth and worldly satisfaction has been achieved, then that is already rich, you want what? What is the meaning of wealth and life satisfaction, only a half of the journey of true life. People expect that in any activities Ridho Allah then he will get a bonus of God in different forms. As a human being whose life is just a stopover for granted each trip living in barengi with the motivation of love to God.

Post 4


Gusts of wind greeted me
Greet me with a million memories
I was silent for a moment
Million sword still embedded in my heart
Thousand needle still stuck in my heart
The many millions of memories are still enveloped my brain
I still remember it ..

Granules clear river starts forming in my cheek
At the time the clouds painted face
When the wind carried his voice
At the time of his rain Shedding tears

Do not cry for him
Do not even think about it
But, I really miss him
High fortress that I wake up
I have destroyed,
Destroyed by the power of the bloodless wounds
It's sick, very sick
But I was able to destroy it,
Castle ruin my hatred, with me on his homesickness

Post 3

Please keep this area clean

Cleanliness is a state where there is no garbage strewn everywhere. Cleanliness is very important because with kebersiahanlah that will keep us from threats that come disease. There are several ways you can do to get the cleanliness.

The first is to maintain kebersihn yourself. Maintain cleanliness of oneself as a shower 2 times a day, cut nails and brushing teeth will make our bodies are always clean. So if cleanliness study obtained, then our body will be healthy and will not be easily affected by the disease.

In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the body, keeping kebersihaan living environment is also very important to do. Cleaning the whole house and the surrounding environment will be making the environment clean and not become a breeding ground for disease to grow and develop. There are several ways you can do to protect our environment, such as burying the used goods, the bathtub drain and shut down all sources of water so that mosquitoes can not breed there.

So how to clean living and benefits that we can get. Therefore, let us all keep good hygiene personal hygiene and cleanliness of the environment for us to be healthy and avoid threatening diseases.

Post 2

Damaged forests

In the past we highly conserved forests and beautiful. That's where there are thousands of species of plants and animals that live alongside each other. In addition to the residence of the plants and animals, the forest is also a major source of human life. Hutanlah that provide a source of food for us. Animals and plants that there be a food source that is not limited to us.

In addition to providing food, the forest is also a source of livelihood for some people. Wood and some plants in the woods can be used by them for sale. Even forests play an important role as a supplier of clean air for humans, so the forest is also called the lungs of the world that delivers oxygen to all of us to breathe.

But now the forest has lost its continuity. They have been destroyed and has even gone to the converted into plantations and settlements. This is caused by humans are greedy. They blindly exploit the forest, felling trees and hunted for the sake of their personal interests and to fulfill their pockets.

As a result of that heinous act, this time the forest has lost its function. Forests are no longer a place of life for plants and animals. Even some of them go extinct as a result of losing their homes. Forests are also now no longer able to provide a food source for humans. All will be lost in the forest resources so that now people can no longer memnfaatkannya.

Water sources are now participating disappeared because of the destruction of trees in the forest, thus creating drought everywhere. Even now the forest is no longer the lungs of the world to provide clean air for us since all run out of trees in the forest.

Now the forest even though angry with humans. They do not want anymore friends. The result was a natural disasters such terrible landslides and droughts everywhere. Do not we hear their screams, are not we care about them. Let friends back with them for the sake of our survival and our children in the future.

Post 1

6 Easy Ways to Eliminate Sense Lazy

Illustration of people feel lazy

How to get rid of laziness is actually not too difficult. However, it is often very difficult to do if inside yourself there is no desire to eliminate them. Because laziness is also sometimes hinder yourself to do everything possible so you can eliminate them. Begin to build awareness within yourself that you want to change and you hate lazy because if you yourself do not intend to eliminate the lazy, of course in any way does not work for you to do.

Laziness is certainly a disadvantage. You'll never notice it before you regret the loss coming. Therefore, begin to cultivate in yourself that you never want to be lazy, then do a couple of ways to eliminate laziness below.

   1. Sport
    Exercising is an effective way to increase energy. By exercising the body to be more fresh and always eager when faced with various activities.

    2. Rest
    Adequate rest is also one way so you avoid laziness. Rest as needed, should not be less because it will make you tired and should not be excessive as it would indicate that you are a lazy person.

    3. Define what is important
    This method also proved to be an effective way. Usually if someone has a very important thing, usually he will suddenly be diligent to work or pursue these important issues.

    4. Give a gift to yourself
    This method was also successful in some people. So. Treat yourself to a prize if you can do something and fight against laziness.

    5. Thinking of regret or loss
    Take a few minutes to think what would happen if you are lazy and do not do things you could be doing.

    6. Do something at a time
    Try to do something or one activity or one job at a time and not to postpone it or finish it only partially. It will make yourself to be lazy when they wanted to continue.

Sixth quick way to eliminate laziness is a common way to do. Actually, each of the above points is something that is not hard to do. It's just all the way would be difficult if not open yourself to eliminate laziness. Immediately opponent personal feeling lazy and be productive.