Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Assignment Tenses, Verb Agrement, Pronouns

1.    A.Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense is a sentence that declares an act or activities that take place / occur at the current time in the form of a simple or a job done repeatedly, daily habits, events or acts that have nothing to do with time, and to express general truths.
The simple present tense is used:
  • To express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes:
    I smoke (habit); I work in London (unchanging situation); London is a large city (general truth)
  • To give instructions or directions:
    You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
  • To express fixed arrangements, present or future:
    Your exam starts at 09.00
  • To express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until:
    He'll give it to you when you come next Saturday.
  • For habits
    He drinks tea at breakfast.
    She only eats fish.
    They watch television regularly.
  • For repeated actions or events
    We catch the bus every morning.
    It rains every afternoon in the hot season.
    They drive to Monaco every summer.
  • For general truths
    Water freezes at zero degrees.
    The Earth revolves around the Sun.
    Her mother is Peruvian
Present Continuous Tense is tense form which refers to the ongoing action now or when the talks were ongoing. So that action has already begun, and is not over when the conversation took place. In addition, this tense can also be used for the kind of action that lasts only for a short period of time. We can also use this tense to talk about a change or development that is taking place within a long time span.
Function and Example Sentences Present Continuous Tense
Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang  terjadi sekarang.
She is brushing the bathroom floor.
(Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.)
I’m driving a car to Bandung now.
(Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
He’s learning English in order to be a great guide.
(Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat.)
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu rencana atau perpindahan ke suatu tempat/kondisi.
I’m spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month.
(Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan.)
You can’t call me this night. I’m going to my best friend’s wedding.
(Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya sedang pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya.)
The buses are arriving in an hour.
(Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.)
I’m moving to West Jakarta this month.
(Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.)
Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi berulang kali.
Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
(Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?)
I’m getting sick of you always asking the same questions.
(Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama.)

Simple Past Tense is a form of the verb used to express activities or events that are taken or occur in the past. The past can be a long time ago, a few years ago, a few months ago, a couple of weeks, days, or even a few hours ago.

Functions of the Simple Past Tense

The simple past is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. Duration is not important. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past. Examples:
  • ·         Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo three months ago.
  • ·         Did he come on time yesterday?
  • ·         The party started at 10.00 a.m.
  • ·         Did you sleep enough last night?
  • ·         I studied civil engineering for almost 4 years.
You always use the simple past when you say when something happened, so it is associated with certain past time expressions
  • frequency: often, sometimes, always
    I sometimes walked home at lunchtime.
    I often brought my lunch to school.
  • a definite point in time: last week, when I was a child, yesterday, six weeks ago
    We saw a good film last week.
    Yesterday, I arrived in Geneva.
    She finished her work atseven o'clock
    I went to the theatre last night
  • an indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago People lived in caves a long time ago.
  • She played the piano when she was a child.
Note: the word ago is a useful way of expressing the distance into the past. It is placed after the period of time: a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago.

Past Continuous Tense is a form or verb tense used to show (express) an action or event that is happening in the past. The action started in the past, is happening in the past, and ended in the past.
Function and Example Sentences Past Continuous Tense
Contoh kalimat Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense untuk mengindikasikan suatu aksi yang terjadi selama momen tertentu di masa lampau.
I was shopping at this time yesterday.
(Saya sedang belanja pada jam ini kemarin.)
What was she doing at 5 am this morning?
(Apa yang sedang dia lakukan jam 5 pagi ini?)
They were roasting corn at this time last night.
(Mereka sedang membakar jagung pada jam ini kemarin malam.)
I was doing physically exercises all day yesterday.
(Saya sedang melakukan latihan-latihan fisik sepanjang hari kemarin.)
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada aksi berdurasi pendek (simple past tense) yang terjadi ketika suatu aksi berdurasi panjang (past continuous tense) sedang berlangsung. Subordinate conjunction “when” atau “while” dapat digunakan
She was sleeping when you called her.
(Dia sedang tidur ketika kamu meneleponnya.)
The door was knocked while I was studying.
(Pintu diketuk ketika saya sedang belajar.)
Past continuous tense digunakan untuk mengolok-olok atau mengkritik aksi yang terjadi pada interval acak namun sebenarnya merupakan kebiasaan alami.
The girl was always yelling out loud.
(Anak itu selalu menjerit keras-keras.)
My neighbor was always chasing stray cats off with his broom.
(Tetangga saya selalu mengusir kucing-kucing liar dengan sapunya.)

Subject-Verb Agreement is a rapprochement between the verb (a verb) with the subject line in terms of number, namely: singular or plural. Subjects can be either a noun, pronoun, or other construction acting as a noun, like gerund and infinitive. Basically, the singular subject use the singular verb, while plural subject using a plural verb.
Generally in the present tense, singular verb basic form of the verb with the added ending (suffix) -s. As for the plural verb with no added ending -s (otherwise, subject plural ending -s added). These rules also apply verb on the subject in the form of a third person (for example: Ricky, Anna) and all personal pronouns (they, we = plural; he, she, it = single), except I and you. Although the form of a single subject, I and you are paired with plural verbs (not including the verb "be" (was, am) on "I").
Example Sentences Subject Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement
The sun rises. (Matahari terbit.)
The stars shine. (Bintang bersinar.)
Leo rarely eats white bread. (Leo jarang makan roti putih.)
You go straight ahead then turn left.
(Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.)

But if there is a helping verb, then the helping verb his turn while the main verb in the base form (base form verb). Picks helping verb in the singular-plural-it is is-acre, does-do, and has-haves. Especially for has-haves, the agreement does not apply if the word is a second helping verb or helping verb is used behind the other.
Example Sentences Subject Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic; helping verb= underline]

Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement
My boss always comes on time.
(Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.)
They like eating out. (Mereka suka makan diluar.)
He is working. (Dia sedang bekerja.)
I do submit the task. (Saya harus mengirimkan tugas tersebut.)
The manager has checked the documents.
(Manager telah mengecek dokumen-dokumen tersebut.)
will have been sleeping for an hour when you arrive.
(Saya akan sudah tidur selama satu jam ketika kamu tiba.)

While in the past tense, there is no difference in the form of the verb in number (singular or plural) if there is no helping verb, namely: was-were.
Example Sentences Subject Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic; helping verb= underline]
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement
The cat was sleeping. (Kucing itu sedang tidur.)
We were roasting corn. (Kita sedang membakar jagung.)

As if the verb is used in the form of linking verb, then it is, am (especially I), was (past tense) used by the singular subject, whereas acre and were (past tense) by plural subject.
Example Sentences Subject Verb Agreement [subject= bold; verb= italic; linking verb= underline]
Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement
Ricky is smart. (Ricky pintar.)
The children are naughty. (Anak-anak itu nakal.)
I was a stamp collector. (Saya dulu pengoleksi prangko.)
My books were borrowed by him. (Buku-buku saya dipinjam dia.)

2.     PRONOUN
Pronoun is a word used to replace the noun (noun), which can be a person, object, animal, place, or an abstract concept. Pronouns is one of the eight parts of speech.
The types and example sentences pronoun
Contoh Kalimat Pronoun
Personal Pronoun (I, you, they, we, she, he, it, us, her, his, them, mine, yours, its)
Kata ganti untuk orang, hewan, benda, atau hal secara spesifik. Bentuk kata ganti ini tergantung pada peran (subject, object, possessive), jumlah, orang ke-, dan gender dari noun yang digantikan.
She prefers to brisk walk to jog.
(Dia lebih memilih jalan cepat daripada joging.)
Yours is on the table.
(Punyamu di atas meja.)
Demonstrative Pronoun (this, that, these, those)
Kata ganti yang menggunakan parameter number (jumlah) dan distance (jarak).
This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
(Ini buku paling menarik yang saya pernah baca.)
Interrogative Pronoun (who, what, which, whose, whom, etc)
Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan.
Who is that man?
(Siapa lelaki itu?)
Relative Pronoun (who, whose, which, whom, that, etc)
Kata ganti yang biasanya mengawali relative clause.
The packet, which was sent a week ago, has received.
(Paket tersebut, yang dikirim seminggu lalu, telah diterima.)
Indefinite Pronoun (anything, everything, none, someone, something, etc)
Kata ganti untuk orang, benda, atau hal secara umum atau tidak spesifik.
You did everything right.
(Kamu melakukan semuanya dengan benar.)
Reflexive Pronoun (myself, yourself, itself, youselves, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves )
Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa subjek menerima aksi dari verb (reciprocal action) pada suatu clause atau kalimat.
I‘m going to buy myself new jeans.
(Saya akan membeli celana jins.)
Intensive Pronoun (bentuknya sama dengan reflexive pronoun)
Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk memberikan penekanan pada noun yang mendahuluinya.
I myself promise not to corrupt the project.
(Saya berjanji tidak akan mengorupsi proyek tersebut.)
Reciprocal Pronoun (each other, one another)
Kata ganti yang digunakan pada kondisi ketika dua atau lebih subjek melakukan aksi yang sama satu sama lain.
They love each other.
(Mereka saling mencintai.)


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