Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Post 2

Damaged forests

In the past we highly conserved forests and beautiful. That's where there are thousands of species of plants and animals that live alongside each other. In addition to the residence of the plants and animals, the forest is also a major source of human life. Hutanlah that provide a source of food for us. Animals and plants that there be a food source that is not limited to us.

In addition to providing food, the forest is also a source of livelihood for some people. Wood and some plants in the woods can be used by them for sale. Even forests play an important role as a supplier of clean air for humans, so the forest is also called the lungs of the world that delivers oxygen to all of us to breathe.

But now the forest has lost its continuity. They have been destroyed and has even gone to the converted into plantations and settlements. This is caused by humans are greedy. They blindly exploit the forest, felling trees and hunted for the sake of their personal interests and to fulfill their pockets.

As a result of that heinous act, this time the forest has lost its function. Forests are no longer a place of life for plants and animals. Even some of them go extinct as a result of losing their homes. Forests are also now no longer able to provide a food source for humans. All will be lost in the forest resources so that now people can no longer memnfaatkannya.

Water sources are now participating disappeared because of the destruction of trees in the forest, thus creating drought everywhere. Even now the forest is no longer the lungs of the world to provide clean air for us since all run out of trees in the forest.

Now the forest even though angry with humans. They do not want anymore friends. The result was a natural disasters such terrible landslides and droughts everywhere. Do not we hear their screams, are not we care about them. Let friends back with them for the sake of our survival and our children in the future.

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